% complete


Answer a few quick questions, and we’ll estimate your repayments based on current rates. From there, our expert brokers will search 26+ lenders to help you be the hero of your own home—whether that’s a castle, a cozy retreat, or your own slice of paradise.

Tell us about your situation

How much would you like to borrow?

An estimate is fine - we'll use this figure to match you with suitable lenders and provide an estimate of your repayments.

How much would you like to refinance?

An estimate is fine - we'll use this figure to match you with suitable lenders and provide an estimate of your repayments.

How much deposit do you have?

A ballpark value is okay. We use this to calculate your Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR) and find Home Loan options for you.

How much do you think your property is worth?

A ballpark value is okay. We use this to calculate your Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR) and find Home Loan options for you.

Is the loan for you, or you & someone else?

Is the loan for you, or you & someone else?

Is this your first property?

First-time buyers may be eligible for grants and benefits.

Do you live at this house?

What best describes your residency status?

When does your visa expire?

What best describes your current employment status?

How long have you had this job?

What is your current annual income?

This helps us to figure out loans that suit you

What state do you live in?

What credit rating band are you in?

Single Application

What is the second applicants residency status?

When does their visa expire?

What best describes their employment status?

How long have they had this job?

What is their current annual income?

This helps us determine your total household income

What credit rating band are they?

Please provide your contact details

So we know who we're helping find a great Home Loan

What's your email address?

Enter your mobile number to unlock your results (and secure your details)

Please enter the 6-digit code we just sent to your mobile. Edit number

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Money Pty Ltd (trading as Money.com.au) provides information about credit products and is authorised to do so as the holder of Australian Credit Licence 528698. Money.com.au does not compare every Lender in Australia. We are not a broker or credit provider and when we provide information via this website, we are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular credit product. When you apply for a credit product via the Money.com.au website, you are not applying with us, you are applying directly with a Lender Partner. Before entering into any credit product from one of our Lender Partners, you should confirm the rates and product information with the Lender. All information on this website is general advice only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether this advice is right for you and we encourage you to seek independent financial advice.