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Compare Bad Credit Car Loan Rates

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Bad Credit Car Loans with Money Matchmaker

Bad credit car loans in Australia: How they work

It's still possible to get a car loan with bad credit in Australia. In fact, there are plenty of lenders who specialise exclusively in offering bad credit car loans.

The finance itself works similarly to a standard car loan: You borrow a set amount and pay it back over a fixed period, usually with a fixed rate of interest. The car you’re buying is used to secure the loan. This generally makes it cheaper than an unsecured bad credit personal loan.

But bad credit car finance has some key differences you should know about:

  • Higher interest rates and fees than standard loans.
  • Potentially a limit on the amount you can borrow (imposed by the lender to mitigate their risk).
  • More information and documents required by the lender to support your application.
  • In some instances, you may need to make a deposit.

Bad credit car loans comparison

  • Average interest rate of 18.83% for borrowers with the lowest credit scores (versus 12.22% for all car loans)
  • Average loan amount of $27,710 (versus $33,489 for all car loans)
  • Median age of car purchased is 4.9 years (versus 3 years for all car loans)
  • 16.95% of car loan applicants had a credit score of 560 or below, which is considered below average

Rate analysis correct as at February 2025 based on lenders on Money.com.au's database. Loan averages based on a sample of more than a thousand bad credit car loan requests received from Money.com.au customers.

Who offers bad credit car loans?

There are around a dozen specialist lenders in Australia offering loans for bad credit customers.

Bad credit lenders are experts at dealing with borrowers with lower credit scores, people with paid and unpaid defaults, as well as those with no credit history.

By contrast, most of the big retail banks (the likes of CBA, Westpac and large credit unions) won't accept applicants with bad credit.

But not all bad credit is created equal. Specialist lenders will pay attention to the reasons someone has bad credit before when assessing their application.

Lenders generally don't use the term ‘bad credit car loan’. Instead you may see descriptions such as ‘impaired credit’ or ‘below average credit’ to indicate that bad credit borrowers will be considered.

You can get a car loan with CERTAIN types of bad credit

If you have defaults on your credit history, lenders would prefer that you have paid those defaults off. Or you’re making progress to pay them off, even if your credit score hasn’t fully recovered yet.

Defaults for large amounts are a more serious issue for lenders compared to low-value defaults. The type of default matters too.

Types of credit defaults explained
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Financial defaults

Like missing payments on a loan or credit card or Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) account. These are a potential red flag for lenders.

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Non-financial defaults

This includes the likes of missed gym membership payments or energy bills. These are generally not as problematic in the eyes of lenders.

What’s happening with your credit now is also important

Money's asset finance expert, Phil Collard

Phil Collard, Money.com.au's Car Loans Expert

“A bad credit score reflects the past. But things can change quickly. You might have started a new job, paid off other debts, or been keeping up with your financial commitments. A specialist lender will consider these factors when reviewing your application. Remember, too, that your credit history is just one part of a car loan application. Using a broker could help you find the right solution in the market based on your circumstances, requirements and objectives.”

Phil Collard, Money.com.au's Car Loans Expert

Are you eligible for a bad credit car loan?

What lenders want to see
  • You’re over 18 years old
  • greenTickCircle
  • You’re an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • greenTickCircle
  • You have a regular, stable income
  • greenTickCircle
  • You can show that you will be able to afford the repayments (based on your income and other expenses)
  • greenTickCircle
  • You are consistently repaying any existing loans or credit cards
  • greenTickCircle
  • If you were previously bankrupt or subject to a part IX debt agreement, you must be discharged from it for at least 12 months
  • greenTickCircle
  • Lenders will also take a detailed look through your credit history to check for any unpaid credit defaults.
Potential issues for lenders
  • You have large unpaid defaults.
  • redCrossCircle
  • You’re currently bankrupt or you were discharged less than 12 months ago.
  • redCrossCircle
  • There’s evidence of bad bank account conduct (missing payments, going into negative regularly).
  • redCrossCircle
  • You’re having trouble keeping up with repayments on existing loans you may have (or credit cards).
  • redCrossCircle
  • You have moved jobs or address frequently in the lead up to your loan application.
  • redCrossCircle
  • Your bank statements show too much gambling.

Applying for car loan pre-approval can also be a good way of finding out if you're eligible and how much you can borrow, before going ahead with a full application.

How to find the best bad credit car loan

Some applicants with bad credit may be ready to settle for any loan they can get approved for. Doing this could be a very expensive choice in the long term.

You should still compare options and look for:


The lowest interest rate you’re eligible for

This may not be the headline interest advertised by a lender. You'll need to get a personalised quote to know what your actual rate may be.


Combined with the lowest fees

The comparison rate factors in fees along with your interest rate. Note, fees are generally added to your loan amount and you'll be paying them off (with interest) over the loan term. And remember, fees may be negotiable. Always ask if the fee can be lowered as some lenders would rather lower a fee than lose a customer (this is where a car loan broker can help).


The ability to make extra repayments

Plus being able to pay off the loan early (or refinance it) without penalty. This could also allow you to refinance your loan if you become eligible for lower rates during the loan term.


The shortest loan term you can afford

Bearing in mind the regular repayments will be higher with a shorter term. For example, a $30,000 loan with an interest rate of 18% p.a. over 5 years would have monthly repayments of $762. However, if you shorten the term to 4 years, the monthly repayments would increase to $881. The upside is that you’ll pay about $3,400 less in interest over the shorter loan term.

Best bad credit car loans comparison (savings potential)

Bad credit car loan ABad credit car loan B

Loan amount



Interest rate



Upfront fee



Loan term

5 years

4 years

Total to repay





Note: These are example rates and loan details only.

How to apply for a bad credit car loan step-by-step

Here's a simple guide to applying for a car loan with bad credit:
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1. Check your credit score and report

This will tell you your current situation and give the opportunity to fix errors in your credit report if there are any.

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2. Pay off any unpaid defaults

Settle any outstanding credit defaults and stay on top of your current obligations in the lead up to your application.


3. Get you bank statements into shape

Make sure your last 3-6 months of bank statements are looking healthy before applying: spend within your means, avoid gambling and don’t take on any new debt.

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4. Demonstrate you can afford the loan

Calculate what your regular loan repayment would be and consider putting that amount into a savings account for a few months leading up to your application.

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5. Compare bad credit car loans through a broker

If you have issues in your credit history, getting guidance from a broker could save you a lot of time and money.

6. Make an application with the lender

Importantly, only apply with one lender once you are confident you’re getting a good deal and that you will qualify. Applying with multiple lenders could further damage your credit score.

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7. Consider contributing a deposit

It may not be necessary, but paying 10-20% of the car’s value up front will send a positive signal to lenders and reduce risk for them.


8. Provide as much supporting information as possible

Be completely honest and open with the lender and provide all documents requested, including payslips (or other proof of income), bank account statements and loan/credit card statements.

A bad credit car loan doesn’t have to be a long-term solution

Money's asset finance expert, Phil Collard

Phil Collard, Money.com.au's Car Loans Expert

“Even if your current situation means a bad credit car loan is your only option, it’s often possible to refinance the loan to a lower rate in the future if your credit improves, and it aligns with your financial needs and goals. For example, if you’ve been making the repayments consistently for 12 months, it could be worth taking another look at what rates you’re eligible for at that stage. Choosing a bad credit car loan with no fees for repaying the loan early will be an advantage if you plan to do that.”

Phil Collard, Money.com.au's Car Loans Expert

How we help you find the best bad credit car loan

Money.com.au can help you find the best deal you can on a car loan in three simple steps:
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1. Let us know who you are and what you're looking for

A little bit of information goes a long way in helping us find the right loans for you.


2. We securely analyse your data against each lender

This process finds the best bad credit car loan offers that match your profile.


3. Get matched

You'll either see a range of qualified car loan offers, or a lending specialist will help you find your match.

Ready to compare car loans?

Get your best offers from multiple lenders. There's no obligation and checking your rates won't impact your credit score.

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Bad credit car loans FAQ

The worst way to find out you have bad credit is by having a loan application rejected.

It’s easy and FREE to check your credit score and report yourself.

Doing this puts you in control and means you can take steps to improve your credit score if you need to.

If you’re approved for a bad credit car loan, you can usually use it for new or used cars, as well as SUVs, utes, electric cars and other road vehicles.

With a secured car loan, there is usually an upper age limit on the vehicle you can buy. This varies, but up to 15 years is a common limit among lenders.

If you're financing a vehicle for a business, your options will be slightly different. For example, there are specific ABN car loans and other bad credit business loan options.

What's considered a bad credit score varies as there are three major credit rating companies in Australia that lenders use. Each of these has its own scoring levels.

But across all three, anything below 549 is considered ‘below average’ or a ‘low score’.

Separately, lenders also have their own cut offs for what they consider a bad credit applicant, but they typically do not disclose this publicly.

Not necessarily. But if you do have a deposit it could mean having a better chance of being approved for the loan. A deposit of between 10 and 20% could help your application as it reduces risk for the lender.

First up, when applying you’ll need to submit proof of your income and expenses.

This usually means at least three months worth of payslips and bank statements. But don’t be surprised if the lender asks for documentation covering a longer period of time. They might also ask for other financial evidence to support the application, including tax records and an employment contract.

If you are self-employed and cannot provide payslips, you could consider a low doc car loan.

If approved, you will also need to provide details for the car you’re buying, such as a sale invoice issued by the seller, or a registration certificate if you’re buying a car privately. You’ll typically also need to provide evidence that the vehicle has been insured.

Some lenders promise 'no credit check car loans'.

BUT because of Australia's responsible lending laws, even if a lender does not check your credit history when assessing your application, they WILL need to check that you can afford the loan repayments, based on your income and expenses.

There is no such thing as guaranteed-approval bad credit car loans in Australia.

There is no industry minimum credit score for car loans in Australia.

Some of the big banks will only lend to borrowers with a credit score of 600 or higher but other lenders have lower limits and some won’t apply limits at all.

Only you can decide if getting a bad credit car loan is right for you. Here are some of the main pros and cons to think about:

Pros of bad credit car loans:

  • Provides an option for borrowers who are not eligible for a standard car loan because of their credit history
  • circle-green-tick
  • Provides a structured repayment plan with predictable repayments
  • circle-green-tick
  • Usually a range of loan terms and repayment options (weekly, fortnightly or monthly)

Cons of bad credit car loans:

  • Higher interest rates and fees than car loans available to other borrowers
  • circle-green-tick
  • Stricter credit limits may apply
  • circle-green-tick
  • Fewer lenders to choose from compared to standard car loans

Most bad credit car loan providers operate across the country. Most are located in major capital cities like Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart.

We recommend using Money.com.au's matching engine to do the leg work for you. It's like applying for quotes directly with a range of lenders all at once.

Sean Callery is the Editor of Money.com.au. He has over 15 years of international experience. He is qualified with a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking (FNS40821) and is compliant to provide general advice in Tier 1 General Insurance (RG 146) products.

Shaun McGowan is the founder of Money.com.au. He's determined to help people and businesses pay as little as possible for financial products, through education and building world class technology. Previously Shaun co-founded CarLoans.com.au and Lend.

Important Disclosures

Unless otherwise stated, personal loan comparison rates are calculated based on a loan amount of $30,000 repaid over a 5-year term. The comparison rates only apply to the examples given. Different loan amounts and terms will result in different comparison rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees and cost savings such as fee waivers are not included in the comparison rate but may influence the cost of the loan. Check with the provider for full loan details, including rates, fees, eligibility and terms and conditions to make sure the product is right for you.

For offers from Money.com.au lending partners, we will match you with lenders and rates based on the information you provide us. This won't affect your credit score. Some lenders displayed are not current Money.com.au partners and we can't guarantee rates from a specific lender.

General information only The information on this page is general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information provided and the nature of any car loan product is suitable for you and seek independent financial advice if necessary.

We are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular car loan. You should read the relevant disclosure statements or other offer documents before deciding whether to apply for or continue to use a particular product.

What products, features and information are shown While we make every effort to ensure all car loans available in Australia are shown in our comparison tables, we do not guarantee that all products are included. Our product comparisons may not compare all car loan features and attributes relevant to you.

Product information, such as interest rates, fees and charges, is subject to change without notice. We include a link to each provider on our table for you to also be able to see the relevant product information direct with the lender.

How car loans are sorted and filtered by default Users can easily change the sort order and apply product filters to our product comparison tables. However, when you arrive on a page initially, by default car loans are sorted by:

  • Lowest loan interest rate, then;
  • circle-green-tick
  • Provider name (A-Z)

Our tables feature all car loans available from lenders on our database that match the search criteria selected. Lenders do not pay to feature in our tables, nor do we earn commission if you click to visit a lender’s website. The order of the products in the table is not influenced by any commercial arrangements.

If you get a car loan as a result of visiting this page, we may earn a commission.


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Money Pty Ltd (trading as Money) (ABN 42 626 094 773) Australian Credit Licence 528698 provides information about credit products. Money does not compare all products or issuers available in Australia. We are not a broker or credit provider and when we provide information via this website, we are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular credit product. We may receive a commission when you apply for a home loan as a result of outbound links on this website.

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The information on this website is intended to be general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should read the relevant disclosure statements or other offer documents prior to making a decision about a credit product and seek independent financial advice. Whilst Money.com.au endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, no responsibility is accepted by us for any errors, omissions or any inaccurate information on this website.

Interest rates, fees and charges are subject to change without notice. Before acting on any information, you should confirm the interest rates, fees, charges and product information with the provider. For clarity, where we have used the terms “lowest” or “best” these relate solely to the rates of interest offered by the provider and not on any other factor. The application of these terms to a particular product is subject to change without notice if the provider changes their rates.

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  • The calculations do not account for changes in interest rates or other market conditions that may occur.
  • Results are approximations and may differ from actual payment schedules or amounts.
  • The calculator does not include all fees and charges that you may incur in relation to a financial product.


  • This calculator does not guarantee the availability of any financial product or the accuracy of the calculations. Please consult a financial advisor or the relevant product provider to obtain specific advice tailored to your circumstances.
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