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Compare Health Insurance & Save

Our experts help you get a better deal on your Health Insurance. Compare now, sit back and save money (we’ll even do the paperwork).

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Some of the health insurance providers we compare

Health insurance provider comparison

Compare a selection of private health insurers in Australia, based on various factors that matter to customers. The comparison is based on the latest Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report, and shows open funds only (available to anyone). The providers are sorted by the highest member retention rate. But bear in mind, no single indicator should be used as an indicator of an insurer’s overall performance. Before applying for cover, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and other policy documents to understand whether it's right for you.

Health Partners

Member retention (hospital cover)


Industry average: 86.5%

Premiums returned in benefits


Industry average: 81.1%

Key benefit

Discounts on health and wellbeing, fitness, food, experiences and more

Money's take

Based in South Australia but servicing all of Australia, Health Partners is a not-for-profit health insurance provider. It is one of the industry leaders across most metrics, with its 90.2% member ret...



  • Above average scores on all fund vs industry metrics
  • It’s a not-for-profit provider, which will appeal to some customers


  • Online customers reviews are a bit of a mixed bag
  • Compared to its offering in South Australia, its coverage scores are not as impressive in other states and territories

Additional information

      • Health Partners Limited ABN 43 128 282 904. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
      HBF Health Insurance

      Member retention (hospital cover)


      Industry average: 86.5%

      Premiums returned in benefits


      Industry average: 81.1%

      Key benefit

      Offers rewards, discounts and health programs for eligible members


      see-u by HBF, Queensland Country Health Fund

      Money's take

      HBF is one of the largest not-for-profit health funds in Australia. Recently it’s become known for its fluffy Quokka brand ambassadors. It’s also one of the industry leaders on many of the metrics ass...



      • Performs well on most fund vs industry metrics
      • It’s a not-for-profit provider, which will appeal to some customers


      • Relatively underwhelming customer ratings

      Additional information

          • HBF Health Limited - (ABN) 11 126 884 786. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
          HCF Health Insurance

          Member retention (hospital cover)


          Industry average: 86.5%

          Premiums returned in benefits


          Industry average: 81.1%

          Key benefit

          Health & wellbeing programs, including weight management and mental health support

          Money's take

          HCF is Australia’s largest not-for-profit health fund, with around 1.8 million members. It ranks ahead of its competitors on some key metrics, including member retention and the rate at which it retur...



          • Higher-than-average customer retention rate
          • It’s a not-for-profit provider, which will appeal to some customers


          • Underwhelming customer ratings
          • Falls behind the industry average (albeit marginally) on coverage related metrics info

          Additional information

              • The Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited ABN 68 000 026 746, AFSL241 414 (HCF). Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
              HCi Health Insurance

              Member retention (hospital cover)


              Industry average: 86.5%

              Premiums returned in benefits


              Industry average: 81.1%

              Key benefit

              No new waiting periods to serve when you join on the same or a lower level of cover

              Money's take

              One of Australia’s smallest providers, HCi is a Tasmania-based, member-owned fund that offers 9 policy options, plus combinations of these. Its member retention rate is slightly above average for the ...



              • Higher-than-average customer retention rate
              • It’s a not-for-profit provider, which will appeal to some customers


              • Behind the industry average for Extras coverage

              Additional information

                  • HCi ABN 43 009 579 088. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                  Bupa Health Insurance

                  Member retention (hospital cover)


                  Industry average: 86.5%

                  Premiums returned in benefits


                  Industry average: 81.1%

                  Key benefit

                  Eligible members can access 24/7 online doctors and other digital health services

                  Money's take

                  Bupa is one of the largest health insurers in Australia, accounting for roughly 25% of the market. On most of the metrics assessed by the Commonwealth Ombudsman, it performs about on par relative to t...



                  • Has a wide range of policy options and related services
                  • Massive network of healthcare providers


                  • Customer reviews are low compared to other brands

                  Additional information

                      • Bupa HI Pty Ltd, ABN 81 000 057 590 Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                      Westfund Health Insurance

                      Member retention (hospital cover)


                      Industry average: 86.5%

                      Premiums returned in benefits


                      Industry average: 81.1%

                      Key benefit

                      Hospital Care at Home services for eligible members

                      Money's take

                      Phoenix Health is another of Australia’s smaller not-for-profit health funds, covering all of the country. The fund performs well in comparison to other funds for coverage levels, scoring above the av...



                      • Very high overall customer ratings
                      • Strong fund versus industry scores for most metrics


                      • Below the industry average on Extras coverage

                      Additional information

                          • Westfund Limited. ABN 55 002 080 864.. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                          ahm health

                          Member retention (hospital cover)


                          Industry average: 86.5%

                          Premiums returned in benefits


                          Industry average: 81.1%

                          Key benefit

                          Peace of mind with 30-day cooling off period

                          Money's take

                          ahm is part of Medibank, which is one of Australia’s largest health insurers. You might recognise ahm based on its distinctive squiggly black and white branding and adverts. It ranks well relative to...



                          • Returns a high % of premiums back in benefits
                          • Flexibility on Extras cover inclusions with ‘Choosable Extras’


                          • Low overall customer rating
                          • Below industry average for medical services covered with no gaps

                          Additional information

                              • ahm health insurance is a business of Medibank Private Limited ABN 47 080 890 259. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.

                              Member retention (hospital cover)


                              Industry average: 86.5%

                              Premiums returned in benefits


                              Industry average: 81.1%

                              Key benefit

                              Get Gold level cover no matter what level of hospital cover you have with the Accident Injury Benefit



                              Money's take

                              Medibank is Australia’s largest private health insurer, accounting for around 27% of the industry. Its cover extends to the full range of policy types, with a large number of variations to choose from...



                              • Higher member retention rates than the industry as a whole
                              • High scores across other metrics assessed


                              • Online customers reviews could be better

                              Additional information

                                  • Medibank Private Limited, ABN 47 080 890 259. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                                  People Care Health Insurance

                                  Member retention (hospital cover)


                                  Industry average: 86.5%

                                  Premiums returned in benefits


                                  Industry average: 81.1%

                                  Key benefit

                                  30-day cooling-off period if you change your mind after joining or upgrading your cover

                                  Money's take

                                  People Care began life as a health fund for various corporations in the mining and steel industry but has since become an open fund available to all. Looking at its performance compared to the indust...



                                  • High levels of Hospital coverage relative to other funds
                                  • Relatively good online customer reviews


                                  • Below the industry average on a number of key metrics

                                  Additional information

                                      • Peoplecare Health Limited. A registered private health insurer. ABN 95 087 648 753. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                                      Phoenix Health Fund

                                      Member retention (hospital cover)


                                      Industry average: 86.5%

                                      Premiums returned in benefits


                                      Industry average: 81.1%

                                      Key benefit

                                      Members can access a range of discounted gift cards and online offers

                                      Money's take

                                      Phoenix Health is another of Australia’s smaller not-for-profit health funds, covering all of the country. The fund performs well in comparison to other funds for coverage levels, scoring above the av...



                                      • Very high overall customer ratings
                                      • Strong fund versus industry scores for coverage levels


                                      • Below the industry average on member retention

                                      Additional information

                                          • Phoenix Health Fund Limited. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.

                                          Member retention (hospital cover)


                                          Industry average: 86.5%

                                          Premiums returned in benefits


                                          Industry average: 81.1%

                                          Key benefit

                                          100% back on preventative dental check-ups for eligible members at participating dentists.



                                          Money's take

                                          Around 1 in 10 Australian private health insurance members are with either nib or one of the other brands its insurance is distributed through. These brands include Suncorp, Qantas Health, and ING. At...



                                          • A well-known and well-established brand
                                          • Particularly high level of coverage for Extras


                                          • Below the industry average on a number of key metrics
                                          • Overall customer rating is relatively low

                                          Additional information

                                              • nib health funds limited ABN 83 000 124 381. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                                              Australian Unity

                                              Member retention (hospital cover)


                                              Industry average: 86.5%

                                              Premiums returned in benefits


                                              Industry average: 81.1%

                                              Key benefit

                                              Save on eGiftcards from Coles, Woolworths, Apple, Amazon and more

                                              Money's take

                                              Australian Unity is a mutual health insurance provider that’s been operating in Australia for more than 180 years. Based on the latest data, around 1 in 50 Australians with health insurance are with A...



                                              • Offers various wellbeing resources to customers
                                              • Up to 100% back on selected preventative dental at eligible providers


                                              • Below the industry average on several key metrics
                                              • Relatively low overall customer rating

                                              Additional information

                                                  • Australian Unity Limited. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                                                  GMHBA Health Insurance

                                                  Member retention (hospital cover)


                                                  Industry average: 86.5%

                                                  Premiums returned in benefits


                                                  Industry average: 81.1%

                                                  Key benefit

                                                  No need to re-reserve waiting periods on the same or lower level of cover


                                                  Frank Health Insurance

                                                  Money's take

                                                  GMHBA is a not-for-profit health fund operating across Australia, including via its subsidiary Frank. It’s a small fund in terms of market share (around 370,000 members) but enjoys relatively good cus...



                                                  • High customer ratings compared to other providers
                                                  • It’s a not-for-profit provider, which will appeal to some customers


                                                  • Fewer perks and rewards than a lot of other providers
                                                  • Lower than average rates of member retention and premiums returned as benefits

                                                  Additional information

                                                      • GMHBA Limited. ABN 98 004 417 092. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                                                      Latrobe Health Services

                                                      Member retention (hospital cover)


                                                      Industry average: 86.5%

                                                      Premiums returned in benefits


                                                      Industry average: 81.1%

                                                      Key benefit

                                                      No need to re-sit waiting periods when you switch to Latrobe from the same or a lower level of cover

                                                      Money's take

                                                      Latrobe Health Services is a not-for-profit health fund based in and focussed on the Victorian market, but it does offer services to members across Australia. According to the Commonwealth Ombudsman S...



                                                      • It’s a not-for-profit provider, which will appeal to some customers
                                                      • If you're based on the Latrobe Valley area of Victoria, being with a locally-based fund may be appealing


                                                      • Below average scores on all fund vs industry metrics measured
                                                      • Online customers reviews are a bit of a mixed bag

                                                      Additional information

                                                          • Latrobe Health Services ABN 94 137 187 010. Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                                                          AIA Health

                                                          Member retention (hospital cover)


                                                          Industry average: 86.5%

                                                          Premiums returned in benefits


                                                          Industry average: 81.1%

                                                          Key benefit

                                                          100% refund of your hospital excess when you hold a policy for at least 6 months

                                                          Money's take

                                                          AIA Health operates Australia-wide, covering more than 3.1 million people. Its health insurance spans hospital, extras and combined policies. According to the latest data from the Commonwealth Ombudsm...



                                                          • Returns a high % of premiums back in benefits
                                                          • Get up to 80% back on out-of-pocket Extras expenses


                                                          • Below industry average for hospital related charges covered

                                                          Additional information

                                                              • AIA Australia Limited (ABN 79 004 837 861, AFSL 230043). Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.
                                                              HIF Health Insurance

                                                              Member retention (hospital cover)


                                                              Industry average: 86.5%

                                                              Premiums returned in benefits


                                                              Industry average: 81.1%

                                                              Key benefit

                                                              Access to Valion Health's Cancer Support Complete Program for eligible members

                                                              Money's take

                                                              HIF is a small not-for-profit health fund operating across Australia. It offers Hospital, Extras and combined policies. Compared to the rest of the industry, HIF has a low-ish member retention rate of...



                                                              • It’s a not-for-profit provider, which will appeal to some customers


                                                              • Behind the industry average on several metrics

                                                              Additional information

                                                                  • Health Insurance Fund of Australia Limited (HIF). Fund versus industry performance based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.

                                                                  Health insurance premium increases 2025

                                                                  Private treatments are covered under Medical Loans
                                                                  Sean Callery Editor Money.com.au
                                                                  Sean Callery


                                                                  Private health insurance premiums will rise by an average of 3.73% on 1 April 2025 — the largest increase since 2018. Australians could pay an additional $3.73 for every $100 of premiums they already pay, depending on their health fund. Federal Health Minister Mark Butler initially rejected private health insurers' proposed increases of 5%-6% twice before agreeing to a 3.73% rise — a compromise between industry demands and what the government would allow. The premium hike aligns with market expectations, given cost-of-living pressures. But, that doesn’t make it any easier to swallow for Aussies who now have little time to adjust their budgets or review and switch policies.

                                                                  Major health fund premium increases












                                                                  Australian Unity


                                                                  Why get health insurance in Australia?

                                                                  Extras cover health insurance

                                                                  Here are some of the main benefits of private health insurance in Australia.

                                                                  1. Skip hospital wait lists

                                                                  Having private health insurance means you may receive treatment faster than you would through the private system. Public waiting lists on certain treatments can be very long and private health insurance can mean being seen sooner.

                                                                  2. Choice and flexibility

                                                                  If you have private health insurance you may be able to choose where to be treated and by which doctor. You also have a lot of choice when it comes to tailoring you cover to suit you needs, particularly on Extras cover.

                                                                  3. Avoid paying extra tax

                                                                  Depending on your income, if you don’t have an adequate level of Hospital cover you won’t need to pay the Medicare Levy Surcharge. There are also government incentives designed to encourage people to take out private health cover when they are younger.

                                                                  4. Private health insurance rebate

                                                                  Depending on your income level, you may receive a rebate from the government to lower the cost of your private health insurance. This will either come in the form of a discount on your premiums or as a tax offset.

                                                                  Private health insurance versus medicare

                                                                  Private health insuranceMedicare

                                                                  Your choice of doctor when you go to hospital

                                                                  Covers hospital treatments but you can't choose your doctor

                                                                  Covers certain out-of-hospital services, like dental, through Extras cover

                                                                  Does not cover out-of-hospital services, like dental

                                                                  Some policies cover ambulance services

                                                                  Ambulance services not covered (but are paid by for the government in some states and territories)

                                                                  May mean you avoid the Medicare Levy Surcharge

                                                                  You may need to pay the Medicare Levy Surcharge to help fund the system

                                                                  Private health insurance explained

                                                                  Private health insurance in Australia allows people who are covered to be treated as a private patient in hospital, with some or all of the cost covered by their insurance. This may mean not needing to wait as long for a procedure. As a private patient, you also generally have more control over what hospital you’re treated at and by which doctor.

                                                                  Health insurance also covers some things that are not covered by the public health system in Australia, such as dental check ups and procedures. But what exactly you get from health insurance will depend on the type of policy you have.

                                                                  Types of health insurance cover in Australia

                                                                  Hospital cover provides a benefit if you are treated as a private patient in hospital. It covers a range of medical conditions, which depend on what tier cover you have, including treatment costs and additional costs like travel and accommodation relating to covered procedures.

                                                                  Generally, a Hospital policy will only cover a portion of the cost of receiving treatment, with the difference (known as a gap payment) to be covered by the patient out of pocket.

                                                                  There are four tiers of Hospital cover in Australia, with varying levels of inclusions and cost:

                                                                  • Basic
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • Bronze
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • Silver
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • Gold

                                                                  An extras policy covers a range of medical and related treatments that occur outside of hospital. Some of the more common Extras inclusions are dental check ups and treatments, optical, physiotherapy, and certain pregnancy related services.

                                                                  Like hospital cover, the types of conditions covered under an Extras policy will depend on what level of policy you choose. Policies also vary in terms of the limits for claiming under different categories per year and what percentage of an individual treatment you can claim back.

                                                                  The higher the level of Extras coverage you choose, the more expensive the policy is likely to be.

                                                                  You can choose to take out private health insurance that’s a combination of Hospital and Extras, although effectively you will have two separate policies. You generally have the ability to ‘mix and match’ your Hospital and Extras based on your needs. For example, you might choose to have a high level of Hospital cover and a low level of Extras, or vice versa.

                                                                  Most people who get Hospital cover choose to do so through a combined policy. It's more common for people to have an Extras-only policy, the latest health insurance statistics show.

                                                                  Depending on where you live in Australia, you may be charged for using ambulance services. Ambulance insurance is designed to cover policyholders for all or part of these costs. Ambulance cover can be purchased as part of a wider health insurance policy or as a standalone.

                                                                  This type of cover is designed for people who will be living in Australia under certain Visa classes, but who will not be eligible to access the Medicare system. Overseas visitors health cover works differently to private health insurance for permanent residents and citizens. For example, pre-existing conditions may not be covered.

                                                                  Whatever the make-up of your family, there is a policy type to fit. The types of treatments and services that can be covered are the same for each. The only difference is the number and ages of people who can be covered by each:

                                                                  How to find the best health insurance policy

                                                                  Medical and Dental Loans with Money Matchmaker
                                                                  • Inclusions: At a basic level, it’s important to find a health insurance policy that covers what you need it to, both now and in the future. Pay close attention to what conditions are covered and what’s excluded
                                                                  • Limits: Particularly on Extras cover, there will likely be annual limits on how much you can claim for a particular treatment category. The limits on your policy could well impact how much you can get back in benefits and the value you get from your policy, so it’s important to check these carefully.
                                                                  • Premiums: This is simply the cost of your health insurance. When comparing health insurance premiums, make sure you’re looking at policies that are at the same level. A cheaper policy on the face of it may simply have less comprehensive cover. It’s worth looking out for health insurance sign up offers that could save you money on your premiums.
                                                                  • Excess level: Depending on the policy and your insurer you may have the ability to change the excess that applies to Hospital policies. This is the amount you need to pay out of pocket when you make a claim. Having a higher excess (up to a maximum of $750 per person) will make your premium cheaper.
                                                                  • Extra perks: Most insurers offer additional services and perks, like health and wellbeing programs, rewards programs and discounts at partner brands (e.g. gyms and certain retailers).
                                                                  • Customer service: Checking online reviews can be a good way of getting an idea of the level of service a provider offers its customers. Being with a provider that offers a wide range of communication methods (phone, website app etc.) can be a benefit too.

                                                                  Best health funds for member retention

                                                                  Health fundMember retention (hospital cover)



                                                                  Mildura Health Fund


                                                                  Health Partners




                                                                  St. Lukes Health Insurance


                                                                  Based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.

                                                                  Best health insurance for benefits paid as a % of premiums

                                                                  Health fundMember retention





                                                                  CBHS Corporate


                                                                  St. Lukes Health Insurance




                                                                  Based on the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.

                                                                  Health insurance basics everyone should know


                                                                  Waiting periods

                                                                  Health insurance policies usually have waiting periods, which is the time you must wait before you can claim on certain services. These can range from two months for basic hospital treatment to 12 months for pre-existing conditions or pregnancy-related services. However, there are some scenarios where you may be able to get health insurance with no waiting period.


                                                                  Gap payments

                                                                  Even with private health insurance, you might still have out-of-pocket costs, also known as ‘the gap’. This happens when the doctor’s or hospital’s fees are higher than what Medicare and your health fund will pay. How much the gap payment will be depends on the type of treatment, which hospital you visit and other factors.



                                                                  An excess is the amount health insurance policyholders need to pay upfront when admitted to hospital, as a contribution towards the cost of treatment. You may be able to opt for a higher excess to lower your health insurance premiums.


                                                                  Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) Loading

                                                                  This is a government initiative encouraging Australians to take out private hospital cover before they turn 31. If you join after that age, you'll pay an extra 2% on your premium for every year you're over 30, up to a maximum of 70%.


                                                                  Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS)

                                                                  Higher-income earners who do not have private hospital cover may need to pay the Medicare Levy Surcharge. This is an additional tax designed to encourage people to take out private insurance and reduce pressure on the public health system.


                                                                  Community rating

                                                                  In Australia, health insurance premiums are not determined by your health status or risk. Under community rating, everyone pays the same premium for the same policy, regardless of age (including seniors), gender, or health conditions. This is different to other kinds of cover (like car insurance) where insurers can take account of factors like the policyholders age and past claims.

                                                                  How to save on health insurance?

                                                                  There are plenty of advantages to having private health insurance, but the major drawback is the cost. Here are some ways you may be able to reduce the cost of your health insurance:
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                                                                  Regularly compare policies

                                                                  Switching health insurers is a very simple process, so don’t be afraid to regularly review what you’re paying and change if you can find better value elsewhere. Comparing health insurance once at least once a year is a good way to ensure you’re not overpaying.


                                                                  Look for discounts

                                                                  When you’re comparing providers, look out for health insurance offers and discounts. Some providers offer 6 or eight weeks free on new eligible policies, which can be equal to hundreds of dollars in saved premiums.

                                                                  User check icon

                                                                  Get coverage while you’re young

                                                                  There are various incentives (and penalties) in place to encourage people to take out health insurance while they are young. For example, if you have not taken out hospital cover from the year you turn 31, but then decide to take it out later on, you will pay a 2% loading on top of your premium for every year you are aged over 30.


                                                                  Pay your premiums before they increase

                                                                  Health insurers typically increase their premiums once a year on 1 April. However, it may be possible to pre-pay your premiums for the remainder of the year at the current level. This would mean avoiding the premium increase for that year. Just be sure you won’t need to cancel your policy after you have forked out for the premiums in advance.


                                                                  Only pay for what you need

                                                                  Health insurance policies are sold in tiers to reflect the level of coverage available under the policy. Take a look at what’s covered under each tier and match your level of cover to what you actually need (or are likely to need in the future). Consider reducing your cover level if you are overpaying for cover you don’t need.


                                                                  Increase your excess

                                                                  On Hospital cover, you may be able to choose a higher level of excess on your policy. This will mean a higher up-front cost if you are admitted to hospital and make a claim, but your premiums should be lower.

                                                                  Health insurance guides

                                                                  Popular articles about health insurance in Australia.

                                                                  HEALTH INSURANCE

                                                                  Health insurance sign-up deals

                                                                  Compare health insurance deals for eligible new customers from a wide range of providers. Get weeks free, account credits, cashback, rewards points and more.

                                                                  Sean Callery Editor Money.com.au

                                                                  By Sean Callery

                                                                  More Health insurance info and FAQS

                                                                  To switch health insurance in Australia you simply need to apply for cover through a new fund. Your new fund will ask for your policy details relating to your old fund and will take care of the rest. When switching funds just make sure you are not going to be losing any coverage you might rely on in the future. Also bear in mind that if you apply for a higher level of cover, you will generally need to sit a waiting period on the new policy. During that period you will not be able to make a claim.

                                                                  Health insurance in Australia is not cheap. But just how expensive it is will depend on various factors, including:

                                                                  • The level of cover you choose
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • The provider you choose
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • The age you are when you first take out cover
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • Whether it’s a singles or couples/family policy
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • Whether you’re eligible for a government rebate
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • The excess you choose on Hospital cover

                                                                  Whether health insurance is worth it or not comes down to your own situation. For example, the value you get from having it could be determined by your medical situation and needs, your income and how old you are.

                                                                  Younger people typically do not claim on their health insurance as often as older people, but there are may be discounts available to younger policyholders to incentivise them having cover in place.

                                                                  The best health insurance policy will be different depending on what type of cover you need. Hospital policies are broken up into tiers based on the level of cover, while Extras policies are also categorised by the level of inclusions. Choosing the best policy for your needs means matching the inclusions to your current and likely future needs. Once you’ve decided what level of cover is best for you, you should compare multiple providers based on factors like premium cost and coverage limits before deciding which to go with.

                                                                  No, private health insurance is not mandatory in Australia. But there are several government incentives and policies in place that encourage people to have it.

                                                                  Most forms of insurance are option for consumers. The only form of mandatory insurance most individuals will encounter is compulsory third party car insurance (CTP). You generally must have this if you own a car.

                                                                  We have a range of health insurance partners including:

                                                                  • AHM
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • Australian Unity
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • Frank Heath
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • GMHBA
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • HCi
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • HCF
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • HIF
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • Hunter Health
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • NIB
                                                                  • circle-green-tick
                                                                  • RT Health

                                                                  Please note, we do not compare all health funds in the market, or all policies from our partner funds, and at times certain funds or products might be unavailable.

                                                                  Sean Callery is the Editor of Money.com.au. He has over 15 years of international experience. He is qualified with a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking (FNS40821) and is compliant to provide general advice in Tier 1 General Insurance (RG 146) products.

                                                                  Shaun McGowan is the founder of Money.com.au. He's determined to help people and businesses pay as little as possible for financial products, through education and building world class technology. Previously Shaun co-founded CarLoans.com.au and Lend.

                                                                  Important information

                                                                  The information on this page is general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information provided and the nature of any product is suitable for you and seek independent advice if necessary.

                                                                  We are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular product. You should read the relevant disclosure statements or other offer documents before deciding whether to apply for or continue to use a particular product.

                                                                  However, when a customer requests that we contact them regarding health insurance, after being on the Money.com.au website, we will take the information they provide into account when providing the customer with a range of health insurance product options.

                                                                  While we make every effort to ensure all products available in Australia are shown in our comparison tables, we do not guarantee that all products are included.

                                                                  Our product comparisons may not compare all product features and attributes relevant to you.

                                                                  Product information is subject to change without notice. Before acting on any information, you should confirm the relevant product information with the provider.

                                                                  Products shown on this page are sorted by their member retention rate on hospital cover, per the Commonwealth Ombudsman State of the Health Funds Report for FY 2022–23.

                                                                  At Money.com.au, we aim to provide you with the highest level of service, but we also understand that occasionally you may not be 100% happy with us. If that’s the case, you can let us know by emailing us at support@money.com.au

                                                                  If we can’t resolve your issue immediately, a senior manager will respond to you at the latest by the next business day from receipt of your enquiry. If we are still unable to resolve the matter within three days, it will be escalated to the attention of the CEO.

                                                                  You could also contact your health fund or the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman’s office (PHIO):


                                                                  Our Money Promise

                                                                  Money Pty Ltd (trading as Money) (ABN 42 626 094 773) Australian Credit Licence 528698 provides information about credit products. Money does not compare all products or issuers available in Australia. We are not a broker or credit provider and when we provide information via this website, we are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular credit product. We may receive a commission when you apply for a home loan as a result of outbound links on this website.

                                                                  This material has been prepared by Money Pty Limited (ABN 40 664 954 536) (Money, ‘us’ or ‘we’). Money is a corporate authorised representative (CAR 001307399) of 62 Consulting Pty Limited (ABN 88 664 809 303) (AFSL 548573) (62C). The material is for general information only and is not an offer for the purchase or sale of any financial product or service. The material is not intended to provide you with financial or tax advice and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Although we believe that the material is correct, no warranty of accuracy, reliability or completeness is given, except for liability under statute which cannot be excluded. Please note that past performance may not be indicative of future performance and that no guarantee of performance, the return of capital or a particular rate of return is given by 62C, Money, any of their related body corporates or any other person. To the maximum extent possible, 62C, Money, their related body corporates or any other person do not accept any liability for any statement in this material.

                                                                  The information on this website is intended to be general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should read the relevant disclosure statements or other offer documents prior to making a decision about a credit product and seek independent financial advice. Whilst Money.com.au endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, no responsibility is accepted by us for any errors, omissions or any inaccurate information on this website.

                                                                  Interest rates, fees and charges are subject to change without notice. Before acting on any information, you should confirm the interest rates, fees, charges and product information with the provider. For clarity, where we have used the terms “lowest” or “best” these relate solely to the rates of interest offered by the provider and not on any other factor. The application of these terms to a particular product is subject to change without notice if the provider changes their rates.

                                                                  The calculator provided on money.com.au is intended for informational and illustrative purposes only. The results generated by this calculator are based on the inputs you provide and the assumptions set by us. These results should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial product. By using this calculator, you acknowledge and agree to the terms set out in this disclaimer. For more detailed information, please review our full terms and conditions on the website.


                                                                  • The calculations do not account for changes in interest rates or other market conditions that may occur.
                                                                  • Results are approximations and may differ from actual payment schedules or amounts.
                                                                  • The calculator does not include all fees and charges that you may incur in relation to a financial product.


                                                                  • This calculator does not guarantee the availability of any financial product or the accuracy of the calculations. Please consult a financial advisor or the relevant product provider to obtain specific advice tailored to your circumstances.
                                                                  • money.com.au does not accept any liability for errors or omissions, or for any loss you may suffer as a result of relying on these calculations.
                                                                  Money Pty Ltd trading as Money

                                                                  ABN: 42 626 094 773 / ACL: 528698 / AFCA: 83955
                                                                  Money is a corporate authorised representative (CAR 001307399) of 62 Consulting Pty Limited (ABN 88 664 809 303) (AFSL 548573) (62C)

                                                                  Money acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, waters and community.

                                                                  © Copyright 2025 Money Pty Ltd.