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Health Insurance With No Waiting Period

A health insurance waiting period is the time you must wait before you can claim for certain services and treatments. However, some insurers waive these waiting periods to attract new customers.

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What are waiting periods in health insurance?

In health insurance, a waiting period is the time immediately after you take out a policy for the first time, or upgrade your cover, during which you won’t be able to make a claim.

Health insurance waiting periods exist to prevent people taking out cover and then making a claim straight away. Most other forms of insurance come with waiting periods too.

The length of a waiting period varies depending on the type of condition, ranging from two months for most conditions to 12 months for others.

Health insurance waiting period

Waiting periods are one of the potential disadvantages of health insurance, as they apply in most scenarios. But there are a handful of situations where getting health insurance with no waiting period may be possible. The catch is, you generally need to have cover in place already to qualify.

How can I get health insurance with no waiting period?

Here are some situations when it may be possible to avoid health insurance waiting periods:


Switch to the same level cover or lower

You can get health insurance with no waiting period on a Hospital policy if you already have cover, and then sign up for a new policy that offers the same or a lower level of coverage.

The new insurer must recognise that you have already served the appropriate waiting period.

If your new policy includes coverage that your old policy didn’t, you may need to serve a waiting period for the new inclusions.

If you're switching from singles health insurance to a couples policy (or vice versa), the waiting period you already served as an individual would be recognised under the new policy.


Mental health exemption

If you have a Hospital policy that includes psychiatric cover, you may be able to upgrade to a higher level of psychiatric cover without needing to serve a further waiting period. You would need to already have served the two-month waiting period on your existing lower level of cover.

The ‘mental health waiting period exemption’ applies to mental health services and drug and alcohol treatment. You can only use this exemption once in your lifetime.

Note if you upgrade your cover in this way, your health insurance will likely become more expensive.


Extras offers with waiting periods waived

Waiting periods on Extras are not as strictly regulated. This means insurers have more flexibility to tailor waiting periods to particular conditions, or waive the waiting period entirely in some cases.

For example, it’s relatively common to see health insurance special offers where insurers offer Extras cover with no waiting period on certain conditions for new customers. This is usually a temporary special offer as opposed to a standard feature of the cover.

The waived waiting period is generally only for certain types of Extras cover – commonly those with a two- or six-month waiting period. The standard waiting period applies to anything else not included in the special offer.

Here are some providers offering to waive the waiting period on selected Extras.

Health insurance with no waiting period on Extras



No waiting period offer

AAMI is waiving the 2 & 6 month waiting periods when you take out a combined Hospital and Extras policy (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

30 April 2025



No waiting period offer

Say goodbye to the 2 & 6 month waiting periods on Extras when you take out combined Hospital and Extras cover (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

1 April 2025



No waiting period offer

Join on combined Hospital and Extras products and get the 2 & 6 month waiting periods on Extras waived (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

2 April 2025


CBHS Health Fund (restricted membership)

No waiting period offer

Commbank employees and their families who take out a combined Hospital and Extras policy will have the 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

31 March 2025


Doctors Health Fund

No waiting period offer

Join now on Hospital and Extras and skip the 2-month wait on Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

31 March 2025



No waiting period offer

Join now on combined Hospital and Extras and skip the 2-month wait on Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

17 April 2025


Health Partners

No waiting period offer

Purchase combined Hospital and Extras cover and avoid the waits on most Extras with a 2-month waiting period after the first contribution payment has been received (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

31 March 2025



No waiting period offer

Purchase combined Hospital and Extras cover and avoid the waits on most Extras with a 2-month waiting period (eligible customers only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

30 April 2025



No waiting period offer

Take out new Bronze Hospital and Extras cover or higher and avoid the 2 & 6 month waiting periods on Extras (eligible customers only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

9 April 2025


Navy Health (restricted membership)

No waiting period offer

Join on combined Hospital and Extras cover to get the 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on Extras (eligible ADF members and families only, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

31 March 2025



No waiting period offer

Take out combined Hospital and Extras cover get the 2- and 6-month waits waived on selected Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply.

Offer expires

31 March 2025



No waiting period offer

Join on combined Hospital and Extras cover to get the 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on Extras, T&Cs apply).

Offer expires

30 April 2025


Teachers Health (restricted membership)

No waiting period offer

Take out combined Hospital and Extras cover get the 2- and 6-month waits waived on selected Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply.

Offer expires

30 April 2025

Provider No waiting period offer Offer expires


AAMI is waiving the 2 & 6 month waiting periods when you take out a combined Hospital and Extras policy (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

30 April 2025


Say goodbye to the 2 & 6 month waiting periods on Extras when you take out combined Hospital and Extras cover (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

1 April 2025


Join on combined Hospital and Extras products and get the 2 & 6 month waiting periods on Extras waived (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

2 April 2025

CBHS Health Fund (restricted membership)

Commbank employees and their families who take out a combined Hospital and Extras policy will have the 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

31 March 2025

Doctors Health Fund

Join now on Hospital and Extras and skip the 2-month wait on Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

31 March 2025


Join now on combined Hospital and Extras and skip the 2-month wait on Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

17 April 2025

Health Partners

Purchase combined Hospital and Extras cover and avoid the waits on most Extras with a 2-month waiting period after the first contribution payment has been received (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply).

31 March 2025


Purchase combined Hospital and Extras cover and avoid the waits on most Extras with a 2-month waiting period (eligible customers only, T&Cs apply).

30 April 2025


Take out new Bronze Hospital and Extras cover or higher and avoid the 2 & 6 month waiting periods on Extras (eligible customers only, T&Cs apply).

9 April 2025

Navy Health (restricted membership)

Join on combined Hospital and Extras cover to get the 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on Extras (eligible ADF members and families only, T&Cs apply).

31 March 2025


Take out combined Hospital and Extras cover get the 2- and 6-month waits waived on selected Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply.

31 March 2025


Join on combined Hospital and Extras cover to get the 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on Extras, T&Cs apply).

30 April 2025

Teachers Health (restricted membership)

Take out combined Hospital and Extras cover get the 2- and 6-month waits waived on selected Extras (eligible new customers only, T&Cs apply.

30 April 2025

Offer details correct as at 20 March 2025. Before applying for cover, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and other policy documents to understand whether it's right for you.

Standard health insurance waiting periods

Below is a rundown on the standard waiting periods for different types of health insurance in Australia. There are restrictions on the maximum waiting period insurers may apply to various Hospital cover inclusions, but waiting periods on Extras are not regulated in the same way.

Waiting periods on Hospital cover

Coverage typeWaiting period for new policies or upgrades

Pre-existing conditions

Max 12 months

Pregnancy and birth (obstetrics)

Max 12 months

Psychiatric treatments, rehabilitation or palliative care

Max 2 months

All other circumstances

Max 2 months

Source: Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Waiting periods on Extras cover

Note, insurers are free to set any waiting period on Extras cover, so they vary between providers. Here is a general guide to the wait periods what may apply:

Coverage typeWaiting period for new policies or upgrades

2 months


2 months


6 months

Major dental & orthodontics

12 months or longer

Podiatric surgery

12 months or longer

Source: Various health funds analysed by Money.com.au

FAQs about health insurance waiting periods

The term ‘pre-existing health condition’ under a health insurance policy is closely defined as:

  • Any ailment, illness, or condition that you had signs or symptoms of during the six months before you joined a Hospital cover or upgraded to a higher Hospital policy.
  • circle-green-tick
  • A condition can still be classed as pre-existing even if you hadn’t seen your doctor about it before starting the Hospital cover or upgrading to a higher Hospital policy.
  • circle-green-tick
  • The decision about whether a condition was pre-existing will be made by a medical practitioner appointed by your insurer.

Even if you have pre-existing conditions, you cannot be charged more for health insurance on that basis, and you will be covered for treatment once you’re served the waiting period.

The waiting period on a pre-existing health condition can be a maximum of 12 months under Hospital cover. The exceptions here are psychiatric treatments rehabilitation and palliative care. These services have a two month waiting period, even if the condition is pre-existing.

No, you won’t need to re-serve waiting periods on Hospital cover if you have already served the waiting period for the same kind of cover. However, if you are applying for new or upgraded cover, you will need to serve a waiting period on anything you weren’t already covered for.

For example, if you switch your family health cover to a new insurer and have already served the waiting period for pregnancy on your old policy, most health funds won't require you to serve the waiting period again if you're having more children.

Health funds must waive the waiting period for new customers who are joining on the same or a lower level of Hospital cover than they already have with their existing insurer. The waiver won’t apply to conditions or treatments the customer has not already served the full waiting period on.

This applies to all types of customers, including singles, couples, seniors, families and single-parent families.

Every person can upgrade their mental health related cover once in their lifetime, without needing to re-sit the waiting period they already had on a lower level of cover.

On Extras cover, some providers waive the waiting periods on certain items as an incentive to attract new customers.

You're unlikely to find a health insurance provider that waives the waiting period on pregnancy cover. Virtually all health funds impose a 12-month waiting period on pregnancy related cover.

We have a range of health insurance partners including:

  • AHM
  • circle-green-tick
  • AIA Health
  • circle-green-tick
  • Australian Unity
  • circle-green-tick
  • Frank Health Insurance
  • circle-green-tick
  • circle-green-tick
  • HCF
  • circle-green-tick
  • Health Care Insurance
  • circle-green-tick
  • Health Partners
  • circle-green-tick
  • HIF
  • circle-green-tick
  • Hunter Health Insurance
  • circle-green-tick
  • Navy Health
  • circle-green-tick
  • NIB
  • circle-green-tick
  • Peoplecare
  • circle-green-tick
  • Phoenix Health
  • circle-green-tick
  • RT Health
  • circle-green-tick
  • Teachers Health
  • circle-green-tick
  • TUH Health Fund
  • circle-green-tick
  • Union Health

Please note, we do not compare all health funds in the market, or all policies from our partner funds, and at times certain funds or products might be unavailable.

Sean Callery is the Editor of Money.com.au. He has over 15 years of international experience. He is qualified with a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking (FNS40821) and is compliant to provide general advice in Tier 1 General Insurance (RG 146) products.

Jared Mullane is a finance writer with more than eight years of experience at some of Australia’s biggest finance and consumer brands. His areas of expertise include energy, home loans, personal finance and insurance. Jared is qualified with a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking (FNS40821).

Important information

The information on this page is general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information provided and the nature of any product is suitable for you and seek independent advice if necessary.

We are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular product. You should read the relevant disclosure statements or other offer documents before deciding whether to apply for or continue to use a particular product.

However, when a customer requests that we contact them regarding health insurance, after being on the Money.com.au website, we will take the information they provide into account when providing the customer with a range of health insurance product options.

While we make every effort to ensure all products available in Australia are shown in our comparison tables, we do not guarantee that all products are included.

Our product comparisons may not compare all product features and attributes relevant to you.

Product information is subject to change without notice. Before acting on any information, you should confirm the relevant product information with the provider.

The list of offers on this page is sorted alphabetically by provider name.

At Money.com.au, we aim to provide you with the highest level of service, but we also understand that occasionally you may not be 100% happy with us. If that’s the case, you can let us know by emailing us at support@money.com.au

If we can’t resolve your issue immediately, a senior manager will respond to you at the latest by the next business day from receipt of your enquiry. If we are still unable to resolve the matter within three days, it will be escalated to the attention of the CEO.

You could also contact your health fund or the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman’s office (PHIO):


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