Before you apply for an education loan, make sure you check if you’re eligible for any government or other financial assistance.
Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)
The government offers a number of different interest-free loan schemes for eligible students enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place at university. There are loans that can be used for both tuition fees and living costs, including OS-HELP, which can be used to fund overseas study.
VET Student Loans
This program helps eligible students pay tuition fees for approved higher-level vocational education and training (VET) courses. To be eligible for a VET Student Loan you must be studying at a VET Student Loans approved course provider.
Government student assistance
Government assistance programs are available for eligible students, offering regular cash payments that do not have to be repaid.
Most universities offer scholarships that can cover part or all of your study costs. These are usually available for students in their first year of study right through to the postgraduate level.