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Compare Travel Insurance for Bali

Money.com.au's Senior Finance Writer, Jared Mullane

Written By

Jared Mullane

Last updated10 February 2025

Use our guide to compare and find a Bali travel insurance policy that meets your needs.

Compare Travel Insurance for Bali

Money.com.au's Senior Finance Writer, Jared Mullane

Written By

Jared Mullane

Last updated10 February 2025

Use our guide to compare and find a Bali travel insurance policy that meets your needs.

Bali travel insurance comparison

The table below shows a selection of travel insurance providers offering comprehensive policies for Bali, along with an overview of key features and available discounts. The table is sorted alphabetically based on the provider name. We are not making a recommendation about any particular product. Be sure to check with the provider and read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for exclusions, excesses, limits and sub-limits that may apply.



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $50,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover $3,000 or level of cover chosen
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

  • ahm and Medibank health members save 10%



What's covered?

  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $100,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Australia Post

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Australian Seniors Insurance Agency

What's covered?

  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Boomers Travel Insurance

What's covered?

  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Budget Direct

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $10,000 (or the amount you choose) per policy
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

  • 15% off when you quote and purchase an eligible policy online



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $10,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

  • 15% off your travel insurance policy if you’re a Bupa Health member



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $40,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Unlimited cancellation cover
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $25,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Everyday Insurance from Woolworths

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

  • Link your Everyday Rewards Card when you get a travel insurance quote to see your exclusive offer


Fast Cover

What's covered?

  • Emergency medical expenses up to unlimited
  • Cancellation cover up to unlimited
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $5,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Go Insurance

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Insure & Go

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $15,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Kogan Insurance

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes (two cover options available)

Discounts or incentives available

  • 10% off all new Kogan travel insurance policies until 2 March 2025. Use the promo code: HOLIDAY



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to unlimited
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $25,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

  • Medibank and ahm members save 15% on any Medibank Travel Insurance policy



What's covered?

  • Emergency medical expenses up to $10 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

  • Save up to 5% on a new policy if you’re an existing NRMA Insurance customer


Qantas Insurance

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to unlimited
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*


Discounts or incentives available

  • Earn up to 15,000 Qantas Points when you take out a policy by 6 March 2025, plus earn $1 per $1 spent on your premium


Real Insurance

What's covered?

  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Southern Cross Travel Insurance

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $2,500
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $25,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

  • Go in the draw to win $5,000 when you take out a policy by 31 March 2025


Tick Travel Insurance

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $20,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover (refer to policy)

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Travel Insurance Direct

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $2,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Travel Insurance Saver

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*


Discounts or incentives available

None listed


World Nomads

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed



What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes (at no additional cost, T&Cs apply)

Discounts or incentives available

None listed



What's covered?

  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed


Zoom Travel Insurance

What's covered?

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $7,500

Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*

  • Yes

Discounts or incentives available

None listed

InsurerWhat's covered?Optional cover for mopeds/ motorbikes in Bali for an additional premium*Discounts or incentives available


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $50,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000
  • Yes

None listed


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover $3,000 or level of cover chosen
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000
  • Yes
  • ahm and Medibank health members save 10%


  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000
  • Yes

None listed


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $100,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000
  • Yes

None listed

Australia Post

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000
  • Yes

None listed

Australian Seniors Insurance Agency

  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000
  • Yes

None listed

Boomers Travel Insurance

  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000
  • Yes

None listed

Budget Direct

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $10,000 (or the amount you choose) per policy
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000
  • Yes
  • 15% off when you quote and purchase an eligible policy online


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $10,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000
  • Yes
  • 15% off your travel insurance policy if you’re a Bupa Health member


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $40,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000
  • Yes

None listed


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Unlimited cancellation cover
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000
  • Yes

None listed


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $25,000
  • Yes

None listed

Everyday Insurance from Woolworths

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000
  • Yes
  • Link your Everyday Rewards Card when you get a travel insurance quote to see your exclusive offer

Fast Cover

  • Emergency medical expenses up to unlimited
  • Cancellation cover up to unlimited
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000
  • Yes

None listed


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $5,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000
  • Yes

None listed

Go Insurance

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000
  • Yes

None listed


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000
  • Yes

None listed

Insure & Go

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $15,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000
  • Yes

None listed

Kogan Insurance

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000
  • Yes (two cover options available)
  • 10% off all new Kogan travel insurance policies until 2 March 2025. Use the promo code: HOLIDAY


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to unlimited
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $25,000
  • Yes
  • Medibank and ahm members save 15% on any Medibank Travel Insurance policy


  • Emergency medical expenses up to $10 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000
  • Yes
  • Save up to 5% on a new policy if you’re an existing NRMA Insurance customer

Qantas Insurance

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to unlimited
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000


  • Earn up to 15,000 Qantas Points when you take out a policy by 6 March 2025, plus earn $1 per $1 spent on your premium

Real Insurance

  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000
  • Yes

None listed

Southern Cross Travel Insurance

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $2,500
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $25,000
  • Yes
  • Go in the draw to win $5,000 when you take out a policy by 31 March 2025

Tick Travel Insurance

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $20,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover (refer to policy)
  • Yes

None listed

Travel Insurance Direct

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover up to $2,000
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000
  • Yes

None listed

Travel Insurance Saver

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $12,000


None listed

World Nomads

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $10,000
  • Yes

None listed


  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $15,000
  • Yes (at no additional cost, T&Cs apply)

None listed


  • Emergency medical expenses up to $40 million
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $20,000
  • Yes

None listed

Zoom Travel Insurance

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses
  • Cancellation cover options (refer to policy)
  • Luggage and personal effects cover up to $7,500
  • Yes

None listed

Please note: This is an overview of what each of these providers shown offers based on a selection of key features advertised as at 10 February 2025. It’s not a full list of what the policies offer or exclude. We recommend getting a personalised quote and checking the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD) for the policy to understand what is and isn’t covered, and what limits, sub-limits, excesses, exclusions, terms and conditions apply, before deciding if the product is suitable for you. While this is an extensive list of travel insurance providers in Australia, we do not guarantee that all providers are shown. *T&Cs and exclusions apply to moped/motorcycle riding.

Do you need travel insurance for Bali?

While travel insurance isn’t mandatory for Bali, the Australian Government’s Smartraveller website strongly recommends it. It specifically highlights the importance of ensuring your policy covers overseas medical expenses, including emergency treatment and evacuation, as the government will not cover these costs.

Whether you’re visiting Bali for a surfing trip, exploring its rich history or simply unwinding by the pool, there are many risks to consider. Being transported home for medical treatment, known as repatriation, can exceed $60,000, according to insurer Fast Cover.

But travel insurance for Bali isn’t just about health risks. It also provides coverage for your belongings, cancellations, and optional protection for risky activities specific to Bali, such as hiking, snorkelling, and riding scooters or jet skis.

How to choose the best travel insurance for Bali

Here are some tips on choosing the best travel insurance policy for Bali:


Check the exclusions, limits and sub-limits

Most Bali travel insurance policies come with general exclusions, limits, and sub-limits based on your level of coverage. These details are outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), where you’ll typically find any limits and sub-limits listed along with their dollar values. Additionally, the PDS will usually include a section on general exclusions.


Align your coverage with your itinerary

Choose coverage that matches your planned activities. If your trip includes a variety of experiences, consider a higher level of coverage. Comprehensive travel insurance offers broader protection than standard policies, covering things like medical emergencies, hospital expenses, interruptions, and higher claim limits.


Consider optional coverage for high-risk activities

Bali is known for adventure, and activities like scuba diving, jet skiing, hiking, or moped riding often require additional coverage. Most insurers won’t cover these high-risk activities under their policies, so you’ll need optional cover. Be sure to check your policy's PDS to ensure you’re fully protected.


Choose a suitable excess and other additional coverage

Travel insurance excess is the amount you pay when making a claim. You can usually reduce it for an extra fee, lowering your out-of-pocket costs. You can also add extras like rental car excess insurance or coverage for high-value items, such as jewellery.

Insurers generally won’t cover pre-existing conditions, such as illness, disease, or physical injuries. However, they may agree to cover specific pre-existing conditions listed on your certificate of insurance, with strict terms and conditions attached. It’s best to disclose any pre-existing conditions to your insurer when getting a quote to ensure you’re fully covered.

How much does Bali travel insurance cost?

For a two-week trip to Bali, a couples travel insurance policy typically costs between $110 and $300, according to our analysis. The exact price will vary based on factors such as the trip duration, number of travellers, your age, the level of coverage you choose, whether you need annual coverage, and any additional coverage you may require.

Some credit cards offer complimentary travel insurance as a perk. This coverage is usually standard, meaning you can’t adjust the limits or inclusions, but it’s worth checking if you have it and whether it suits your Bali trip. Keep in mind, you generally need to book your trip using the card for the coverage to apply.

Comprehensive vs basic Bali travel insurance: Cost comparison

The table below compares the cost of international travel insurance for a trip to Bali, Indonesia from a selection of leading providers in Australia. While we have done our best to compare the same levels of cover, some price variations may reflect varying levels of cover.



Comprehensive international


Basic international




Comprehensive international


Basic international



Budget Direct

Comprehensive international


Basic international

$217.80 (Essential) $149.96 (Basic)



Comprehensive international


Basic international

$232.99 (Standard Saver) $107.99 (Basics)



Comprehensive international


Basic international

$183.79 (Essentials Cover) $129.68 (Basics Cover)

InsurerComprehensive international Basic international







Budget Direct


$217.80 (Essential) $149.96 (Basic)



$232.99 (Standard Saver) $107.99 (Basics)



$183.79 (Essentials Cover) $129.68 (Basics Cover)

Quotes were sourced on 10 February 2025 with travel dates covering a 15 day period in May 2025. The quotes are based on a couple, both aged 35. The international policies are based on travel to Indonesia (Bali) without any optional coverage. Quotes are based on a $200 excess. Prices quoted are based on the examples outlined only and may not reflect the prices available under other circumstances.

What does comprehensive Bali travel insurance cover?

Covers the cost of medical treatment, hospitalisation and emergency services if you become ill or injured in Bali. This may include doctor’s fees, surgery, ambulance costs and emergency evacuation if necessary. Some insurers offer unlimited cover for claims, while others may provide coverage up to a certain amount, like $40 million.

These expenses apply if you need to change or cancel your trip due to unforeseen events, such as illness or emergencies. This can include non-refundable flights, accommodation, and other pre-paid travel services, with claims typically capped at a certain amount (e.g. up to $10,000) depending on your policy.

Covers the loss or damage of your personal belongings while travelling, including items like clothing, electronics, and some medical devices. There’s usually a claim limit (e.g. $15,000), with sub-limits for specific items such as phones, smartwatches, cameras, laptops, drones, and hearing aids.

Protects you if you're held legally responsible for injury, death, or damage to someone else or their property. This coverage helps with legal costs or compensation claims, with limits (e.g. up to $2.5 million) applying. For full details, refer to the terms and conditions in the PDS or your certificate of insurance.

Covers the cost of emergency dental treatment, with claims typically up to a set amount (e.g., $2,000), depending on your policy. Be sure to disclose any pre-existing dental conditions to your insurer to ensure you have coverage.

These are claims related to travel delays and missed connections where you have pre-booked and paid. There may also be a delayed luggage allowance to help cover essential items while you wait for your belongings. Each of these claims will have set limits.

Covers the amount you’d have to pay if your rental car is damaged or stolen. It typically applies to the excess amount specified in the rental car agreement, and your travel insurance can lower or cover this cost, depending on your policy.

Which Bali activities might require extra coverage?

While Bali travel insurance covers many general inclusions, some activities and events may require you to purchase additional coverage.


Adventure activities

Activities like scuba diving, hiking or zip lining aren’t usually covered under standard travel insurance policies. To be protected, you’ll need to add specific coverage for these activities, often referred to as an "adventure pack" or similar. Be sure to check your policy for any limits, sub-limits, exclusions, or terms related to the adventure activities you plan to do.


Motorcycles and scooters

Most travel insurance policies don’t cover motorcycles or mopeds by default, but you can usually add this coverage for an extra cost. Even with the added cover, insurers often have specific requirements, such as the vehicle being under a certain engine size (e.g. 200-250cc) and having a valid Australian motorcycle or car licence. You’ll also need to wear a helmet, follow local safety rules, and avoid using the vehicle for work, motocross, or racing.



Cruise cover for Bali provides protection for issues specific to cruising, such as trip cancellations, missed ports of call, or onboard medical emergencies. It may also cover lost luggage, cruise interruption, or travel delays due to unforeseen circumstances. Be sure to check if your policy includes cruise-specific coverage or if you need to add it separately.


High-value items

You can take out extra cover for specified high-value items like designer clothing or bags, musical instruments, electronics and more. This ensures each expensive item is covered up to a certain amount according to your policy in case of loss, theft or damage.

Most insurers won’t cover personal liability or permanent disability for claims arising from activities like motorcycle or moped riding, even if you have purchased additional coverage.

What’s not covered by comprehensive travel insurance in Bali?

Pre-existing medical conditions generally won’t be covered unless they’re disclosed to the insurer and they offer coverage. Pre-existing conditions often need to be accepted by insurers in writing and you’ll need to pay an additional premium.

Claims arising from war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power.

Claims arising from unlawful acts, such as engaging in illegal activities or violating local laws. Some examples include being involved in illegal drug use or trafficking, participating in street racing or unlicensed gambling, committing theft, fraud or assault, and not following local laws, such as riding a motorbike without a valid licence.

If an incident or injury occurs as a result of being intoxicated or using illicit substances, insurers may deny your claim. It’s important to review the policy’s exclusions to understand the specific terms and conditions.

Coverage is usually provided only for serious, unexpected pregnancy complications up to a certain point (e.g., 24 weeks). You’ll likely need to inform your insurer if you’re pregnant, and disclose any complications from your current or previous pregnancy, or if the conception was medically assisted (e.g. IVF). Coverage varies depending on the insurer and the level of cover you choose.

Safety precautions to consider in Bali

With more than a million Australians visiting Bali each year, it’s a destination full of excitement and wonder. However, like any international destination, it carries certain risks and uncertainties. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind while planning a trip to Bali, as advised by smartraveller.gov.au:

Drink spiking & methanol poisoning

Drink-spiking is a known risk in social settings, particularly in Bali. Always keep an eye on your drinks and avoid accepting beverages from strangers. Methanol poisoning is also often found in illegally-made alcohol and can be extremely toxic, even in small doses.

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Not all medications that are available over the counter or by prescription in Australia can be found in Bali. In some cases, they may be classified as illegal or controlled substances, even if prescribed by an Australian doctor. For example, certain drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are illegal in Indonesia.


Bali belly

“Bali belly” is a common term for food or waterborne illnesses that many Aussies experience in Bali, leading to symptoms like stomach cramps, diarrhoea and vomiting. It’s caused by exposure to unfamiliar bacteria or viruses, often from eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Travel insurance may cover medical treatment and unexpected trip disruptions if you need to seek care or cut your trip short due to illness.

Land svg


In Bali, animals such as stray dogs, monkeys, and other wildlife can pose health risks, including bites or diseases like rabies. It’s important to avoid direct contact with animals and seek medical attention immediately if bitten or scratched. Travel insurance may help cover medical costs if you’re injured by an animal, including treatments like vaccinations or hospital care, ensuring you’re protected in case of such incidents.



Theft can be a concern for travellers in Bali, particularly in busy tourist areas or when using public transportation. Pickpocketing, bag snatching or losing valuables in crowded places can happen, so it’s important to stay vigilant and secure your belongings. Travel insurance can help cover the loss or theft of items like passports, electronics, and money, giving you peace of mind while you explore the island.


Natural disasters

Bali is located in a region prone to natural disasters, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and flooding, particularly due to its proximity to the Pacific Ring of Fire. While these events are unpredictable, it’s important to be aware of emergency procedures and local alerts when travelling. Travel insurance can provide coverage for trip cancellations, medical expenses, or evacuation costs if you’re affected by a natural disaster during your visit.

Jared Mullane is a finance writer with more than eight years of experience at some of Australia’s biggest finance and consumer brands. His areas of expertise include energy, home loans, personal finance and insurance. Jared is qualified with a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking (FNS40821).

Sean Callery is the Editor of Money.com.au. He has over 15 years of international experience. He is qualified with a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking (FNS40821) and is compliant to provide general advice in Tier 1 General Insurance (RG 146) products.

Important information

General information only

The information on this page is general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information provided and the nature of any travel insurance product is suitable for you and seek independent advice if necessary.

We are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular product. You should read the relevant disclosure statements or other offer documents before deciding whether to apply for or continue to use a particular product.

What products, features and information are shown

While we make every effort to ensure all products available in Australia are shown in our comparison tables, we do not guarantee that all products are included.

Our product comparisons may not compare all product features and attributes relevant to you.

Product information is subject to change without notice. Before acting on any information, you should confirm the relevant product information with the provider.

How travel insurance providers are sorted

Products shown are sorted alphabetically by provider name.


Our Money Promise

Money Pty Ltd (trading as Money) (ABN 42 626 094 773) Australian Credit Licence 528698 provides information about credit products. Money does not compare all products or issuers available in Australia. We are not a broker or credit provider and when we provide information via this website, we are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular credit product. We may receive a commission when you apply for a home loan as a result of outbound links on this website.

This material has been prepared by Money Pty Limited (ABN 40 664 954 536) (Money, ‘us’ or ‘we’). Money is a corporate authorised representative (CAR 001307399) of 62 Consulting Pty Limited (ABN 88 664 809 303) (AFSL 548573) (62C). The material is for general information only and is not an offer for the purchase or sale of any financial product or service. The material is not intended to provide you with financial or tax advice and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Although we believe that the material is correct, no warranty of accuracy, reliability or completeness is given, except for liability under statute which cannot be excluded. Please note that past performance may not be indicative of future performance and that no guarantee of performance, the return of capital or a particular rate of return is given by 62C, Money, any of their related body corporates or any other person. To the maximum extent possible, 62C, Money, their related body corporates or any other person do not accept any liability for any statement in this material.

The information on this website is intended to be general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should read the relevant disclosure statements or other offer documents prior to making a decision about a credit product and seek independent financial advice. Whilst Money.com.au endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, no responsibility is accepted by us for any errors, omissions or any inaccurate information on this website.

Interest rates, fees and charges are subject to change without notice. Before acting on any information, you should confirm the interest rates, fees, charges and product information with the provider. For clarity, where we have used the terms “lowest” or “best” these relate solely to the rates of interest offered by the provider and not on any other factor. The application of these terms to a particular product is subject to change without notice if the provider changes their rates.

The calculator provided on money.com.au is intended for informational and illustrative purposes only. The results generated by this calculator are based on the inputs you provide and the assumptions set by us. These results should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial product. By using this calculator, you acknowledge and agree to the terms set out in this disclaimer. For more detailed information, please review our full terms and conditions on the website.


  • The calculations do not account for changes in interest rates or other market conditions that may occur.
  • Results are approximations and may differ from actual payment schedules or amounts.
  • The calculator does not include all fees and charges that you may incur in relation to a financial product.


  • This calculator does not guarantee the availability of any financial product or the accuracy of the calculations. Please consult a financial advisor or the relevant product provider to obtain specific advice tailored to your circumstances.
  • money.com.au does not accept any liability for errors or omissions, or for any loss you may suffer as a result of relying on these calculations.
Money Pty Ltd trading as Money

ABN: 42 626 094 773 / ACL: 528698 / AFCA: 83955
Money is a corporate authorised representative (CAR 001307399) of 62 Consulting Pty Limited (ABN 88 664 809 303) (AFSL 548573) (62C)

Money acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, waters and community.

© Copyright 2025 Money Pty Ltd.