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How to Get a Business Loan in Australia

  • To get a business loan in Australia, generally the minimum requirements are being at least 18 years of age, having an ABN, GST registration and at least six months of trading history.

Enter loan amount


How to get a business loan in Australia

Step 1: Decide what kind of loan you need

Before applying for a business loan, decide what kind of finance will work best for you. Broadly speaking, this means matching the finance type to the loan purpose. The two most common categories are:


Purchasing a business asset

If you need finance for a business vehicle, or some other equipment, you may be eligible for a secured business loan. This means the asset you’re purchasing is used to secure the loan. The lender can sell the asset to recoup its costs if you can’t repay the loan. A secured business loan is often referred to as a chattel mortgage.


Working capital/cashflow

If you need an injection of capital for a one-off expense or to plug a cashflow gap, you have a couple of options. First, you could consider a short-term unsecured business loan, usually allowing you to borrow up to $150,000. Or, you could apply for an ongoing line of credit for your business, meaning you can dip in and access funds when you need them (and only pay interest on what you draw down), without needing to reapply each time.

It’s not uncommon for a business to need more than one finance type to fund a new asset acquisition or project – for example, a secured fixed-term loan to finance the purchase of a vehicle and a line of credit to cover running costs. Using a separate specialist lender for each may ultimately provide better value.

Step 2: Figure out how much you can borrow/repay

The lender will ultimately decide how much money your business is able to borrow. But it’s a good idea to have a firm idea of the loan size you’re able to service (repay) before applying.

To do this, you could simply work out how much cash you will be able to comfortably put towards the repayments each week, fortnight or month.

Alternatively, some lenders will offer finance up to a certain percentage of your revenue (e.g. 150% of monthly revenue).

When estimating how much you can borrow, err on the conservative side to give yourself a better chance of approval and keep your repayments manageable.

Money's asset finance expert, Phil Collard

Phil Collard, Money's Asset Finance Expert

“Think through what you’re comfortable to spend on repayments each month. Just because a lender says you can afford $1,000 per month it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re comfortable to part with that. You should consider this when sourcing the right loan as the consequences of getting it wrong could impact your future borrowing capabilities. "

Phil Collard, Money's Asset Finance Expert

Step 3: Decide on a loan term

This is simply how long you want the loan for. A shorter loan term will save you money in interest and fees, whereas a longer term keeps your regular repayments lower. Use a business loan calculator to see the impact.

If you’re purchasing an asset, think about factors like depreciation and its life-span as an income generator for your business.

If you need ongoing access to finance, some line of credit or business overdraft options have no specific term, meaning you can always access funds (up to your credit limit) while the facility is open.

Step 4: Compare lenders

Even if you have an existing relationship with a bank, it’s really important to shop around to see what other options you have. Some specialist lenders offer much more competitive rates on specific finance products compared to the major banks. If you’re weighing up lenders, here's what to compare:
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Loan amount

It’s important to quickly narrow down your search to lenders that offer loans that match your required loan size. Some lenders will only offer larger amounts, while others specialise in smaller loans.


Eligibility requirements

Check if the lenders you’re comparing actually lend to businesses like yours, based on factors like minimum trading history and revenue, credit history and the industry you operate in.

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Interest rate

Interest will likely be the main cost of your finance. Bear in mind that not all lenders advertise rates publicly, and those that do may only show a reference rate. Unless you get help from a business finance broker, you’ll only learn your actual rate (this may well be higher than the reference rate) when you apply.



There are usually upfront and ongoing fees, and fees that only apply based on certain ‘triggers’, like late repayment fees or fees if you make extra repayments and pay out the loan early.


Loan features

These are the additional aspects of the loan that determine how you can use it. Two key loan features to keep an eye out for are being able to make extra repayments (minimising your interest costs) and redraw, which allows you to access the extra repayments you’ve made if you need to. Some loans also offer flexibility to temporarily pause repayments.

Using a broker will mean you can get matched with suitable business lenders based on these criteria, without needing to research multiple lenders yourself.

Step 5: Prepare your application

Applying for a business loan can often be a very fast process. Initially you may just need to provide proof of identity and your ABN, and answer some questions about your business, its revenue, trading history and operations.

Based on an initial assessment, you may be conditionally approved by the lender. At this point the lender will want to see some documents to back up what was in the initial application.

Lenders vary in terms of what they’ll ask to see, but it could include:

  • Bank statements for the last three-six months
  • Financial statements (profit and loss statement, cashflow statement, balance sheet)
  • ATO Business Activity Statement (BAS) for the last 12 months
  • Proof of individual income
  • A business plan with forecasts (particularly for new businesses)
  • Work contracts to demonstrate future income

Self-assess your position before applying

Andrew Beckett

Andrew Beckett, Head of Broker and Third Party Distribution

"Understanding what your bank statements are going to look like to the lender is a big thing. You've got to be ready to answer questions about the incomings and outgoings. If you’re not, you could get caught out. The other thing is your credit file. Are there iddies like defaults or payday lender inquiries on there? If you understand your credit score, that's also going to set your expectations on what your rate's going to be."

Andrew Beckett, Head of Broker and Third Party Distribution

Step 6: Manage your loan

If you’re approved, the funds will be released to you (or the seller of the asset you’re purchasing). You’ll then begin making repayments on the loan. Stay on top of your loan by:

  • Avoid any ‘triggers’ that will mean incurring any fees (late/missed payments or making extra repayments if the loan does not allow this without penalty).
  • Repay extra to reduce your interest costs if you have spare cash flow.
  • Claim any tax deductions you’re eligible for (e.g. interest and fees on the loan).

What are the requirements for a business loan in Australia?

The requirements for a business loan will depend on the type of loan you’re applying for and with which lender. Here are the business loan requirements from some of Australia’s most popular lenders to give you an idea of common policies.



Required loan amount


Minimum eligibility criteria

  • 18 years of age or older
  • sole trader, or a director of your business
  • use the loan for business purposes



Required loan amount

$20k - $2m

Minimum eligibility criteria

  • Active ABN or ACN
  • 2+ years in business
  • $500,000+ in annual sales



Required loan amount


Minimum eligibility criteria

  • Current ABN
  • Trading for more than 12 months
  • Good credit rating and isn’t going through bankruptcy


Finance One

Required loan amount

$8k - $150k

Minimum eligibility criteria

  • At least 21 years of age
  • Receiving regular income under your ABN for at least 6 months
  • Loans between $75k - $150k must be property backed


Liberty Financial

Required loan amount

$50k - $500k

Minimum eligibility criteria

  • 2 years trading history (no minimum for secured loans)
  • Eligible business purpose



Required loan amount

$10k - $500k

Minimum eligibility criteria

  • 6 months trading history
  • Active ABN or ACN
  • Australian citizenship or permanent residency



Required loan amount

$5k - $250k

Minimum eligibility criteria

  • Active ABN or ACN, with GST registration
  • 6+ months in business
  • $10,000+ in monthly sales



Required loan amount


Minimum eligibility criteria

  • Sole trader, partnership, or a company with up to five directors
  • Registered for GST (annual turnover of at least $75k)
  • Operate under registered ABN or ACN for more than 12 months



Required loan amount

$5k - $500k

Minimum eligibility criteria

  • Valid Australian Tax File Number (TFN) and ABN
  • Australian citizenship or permanent residency
  • Minimum trading history applies



Required loan amount

$10k - $3m

Minimum eligibility criteria

  • Business entity or an individual over 18 years domiciled in Australia
  • Clear credit record
  • Bank accounts and loan balances must be within approved overdraft or lending limits
Lender Required loan amount Minimum eligibility criteria



  • 18 years of age or older
  • sole trader, or a director of your business
  • use the loan for business purposes


$20k - $2m

  • Active ABN or ACN
  • 2+ years in business
  • $500,000+ in annual sales



  • Current ABN
  • Trading for more than 12 months
  • Good credit rating and isn’t going through bankruptcy

Finance One

$8k - $150k

  • At least 21 years of age
  • Receiving regular income under your ABN for at least 6 months
  • Loans between $75k - $150k must be property backed

Liberty Financial

$50k - $500k

  • 2 years trading history (no minimum for secured loans)
  • Eligible business purpose


$10k - $500k

  • 6 months trading history
  • Active ABN or ACN
  • Australian citizenship or permanent residency


$5k - $250k

  • Active ABN or ACN, with GST registration
  • 6+ months in business
  • $10,000+ in monthly sales



  • Sole trader, partnership, or a company with up to five directors
  • Registered for GST (annual turnover of at least $75k)
  • Operate under registered ABN or ACN for more than 12 months


$5k - $500k

  • Valid Australian Tax File Number (TFN) and ABN
  • Australian citizenship or permanent residency
  • Minimum trading history applies


$10k - $3m

  • Business entity or an individual over 18 years domiciled in Australia
  • Clear credit record
  • Bank accounts and loan balances must be within approved overdraft or lending limits

Where can I get a business loan?

  • Major lenders: The big four bank dominate business lending (as they do in all aspects of banking in Australia). They have branches in most major towns and cities, but aren’t always the most competitive when it comes to rates and fees..
  • Other banks and mutuals: Most smaller banks and local mutuals/credit unions offer some form of business finance. In some cases, loans are only available for particular sectors that are prominent in the area the bank is located (e.g. agribusiness loans).
  • Online lenders: Australia has a thriving sector of online-only business lenders that offer competitive terms and quick approvals on business loans. Some providers only offer products via a broker.
  • Specialist lenders: There are also niche lenders that specialise in business loans aimed at particular industries or business types, or to certain types of borrowers. These lenders are popular for borrowers who need bad credit finance, or low doc applicants.
  • Use a broker (for any of the above): A business loan broker helps borrowers understand their borrowing needs and options, and provides pricing from multiple suitable lenders. Brokers generally don’t charge borrowers a fee, but instead receive a commission from the lender if the loan is finalised.

How much deposit do I need for a business loan?

You generally don't need an upfront deposit for a business loan. But there are instances when a lender may require a 10-20% deposit. This usually applies if your business has been trading for less than 12 months or if you don't own property and want to borrow more than $150,000.

Even if it’s not mandatory, an upfront deposit may be something to consider due to the potential cost savings. For example, contributing a deposit may help you reduce your loan amount (and therefore the total overall cost) and make repayments more manageable.

It could potentially also give you the option to structure the loan over a shorter period to tie in with the expected ownership period of the asset you’re buying.

Ready to compare business loans?

Get your best offers from multiple lenders. There's no obligation and checking your rates won't impact your credit score.

More FAQs about applying for a business loan

You may be required to make a personal guarantee if you don’t have any security that can be used as collateral for the loan. A personal guarantee is a legally binding commitment that means the lenders can recover any outstanding debts from you if you can't make your repayments.

You may also be able to provide a third-party guarantee, where another individual backs your loan using an asset they own.

Having a business loan declined is not ideal as it can impact your business credit score and ability to access finance in future. It’s important to understand why your application was not approved and work to fix the issue that caused it. Sometimes it’s just a case of waiting until you have built up a more extensive trading history.

If you have had an application declined, it may be worth speaking to a broker who can recommend next steps and help identify which lenders may be more likely to approve your loan.

This depends on the type of loan you need and the type of business you operate. Some lenders specialise in particular loan types and/or only lend to certain types of businesses, based on their size or trading history.

A business loan broker may be able to help you identify which lenders will be the best match for what you need.

There are a few reasons you may be declined for a small business loan, including:

  • Your business financials don’t reflect your ability to service the loan amount.
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  • A business owner or director has bad credit or there’s no active credit history.
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  • Your business revenue is too dependent on a small number of customers.
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  • The outlook for your market sector or industry is poor.
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  • Your business hasn’t been operating for long enough.

Yes, you can still qualify for a business loan if you have a poor credit rating (or no credit rating), although it will likely need to be through a specialist lender. Bad credit business loans are similar to standard unsecured loans but usually feature higher interest rates.

New businesses or startups can apply for a business loan with certain lenders, but typically face higher interest rates to offset the lender’s risk of financing a business with little or no trading history.

Remember that you must still be able to provide financial documentation showing you can service the loan in full. Alternatively, some lenders may request work contracts as proof of ongoing work to assess your loan serviceability.

Newer businesses generally need finance to plug gaps in their cash flow and help get their business off the ground.

The application process for a small business loan is typically faster with a specialist lender than with a bank lender. That’s because specialist online lenders have less stringent eligibility criteria and use technology to assess your business information, credit report, and bank transactions.

Yes, you can use a finance broker to help you find the best rates on business loans and handle the application process for you, potentially increasing your chances of approval. That’s because:

  • Brokers have established partnerships with a wide range of lenders
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  • They understand the specific eligibility criteria of lenders on their books
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  • They have experience handling business loan applications and can ensure yours meets the mark.
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  • Finance brokers are typically paid as a percentage of your loan amount by the lender.

Sean Callery is the Editor of Money.com.au. He has over 15 years of international experience. He is qualified with a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking (FNS40821) and is compliant to provide general advice in Tier 1 General Insurance (RG 146) products.

Shaun McGowan is the founder of Money.com.au. He's determined to help people and businesses pay as little as possible for financial products, through education and building world class technology. Previously Shaun co-founded CarLoans.com.au and Lend.

Just some of the 50+ business lenders we compare


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Money Pty Ltd (trading as Money) (ABN 42 626 094 773) Australian Credit Licence 528698 provides information about credit products. Money does not compare all products or issuers available in Australia. We are not a broker or credit provider and when we provide information via this website, we are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular credit product. We may receive a commission when you apply for a home loan as a result of outbound links on this website.

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The information on this website is intended to be general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should read the relevant disclosure statements or other offer documents prior to making a decision about a credit product and seek independent financial advice. Whilst Money.com.au endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, no responsibility is accepted by us for any errors, omissions or any inaccurate information on this website.

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  • The calculations do not account for changes in interest rates or other market conditions that may occur.
  • Results are approximations and may differ from actual payment schedules or amounts.
  • The calculator does not include all fees and charges that you may incur in relation to a financial product.


  • This calculator does not guarantee the availability of any financial product or the accuracy of the calculations. Please consult a financial advisor or the relevant product provider to obtain specific advice tailored to your circumstances.
  • money.com.au does not accept any liability for errors or omissions, or for any loss you may suffer as a result of relying on these calculations.
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